Hello everyone, in this tutorial we will teach you how to correctly configure your Stream Pack in StreamLabs Desktop, OBS Studio and Twitch to take advantage of all the features and change the look of your stream in minutes.
How to Configure Stream Pack in Streamlabs Desktop
Download your Stream Pack and extract the file on your Desktop

Open your Streamlabs Desktop and open the settings

Select “Scene Collections” and click “Import Overlay File”
Select the .overlay file inside “StreamLabs OBS – Quick Install” inside the extracted folder on the desktop
Done! Your stream is already configured in Streamlabs Desktop 🙂
How to Configure Stream Pack in OBS Studio
To configure your Stream Pack in OBS Studio open your OBS and click on the + to add scenes to your Stream
Create scenes named Starting Soon, BRB and Stream Ending
Open the folder with the Stream Pack and access “↠START HERE↞” inside this folder there are all files available in the package
Select the folder corresponding to the scene created in OBS Studio and drag the .MP4 file into OBS
By doing this you can easily add any files to OBS like Webcam Border and Overlays
If you are not able to drag the files in OBS try to run as administrator or:
How to add static overlays to OBS
Add new > Image > add your file. Make sure you then bring all the captures (webcam, game capture, etc) below the overlay. The only things that stay above the overlay are the info labels and chat
How to add animated overlays to OBS
Add new > Media Source > add your file. Then right-click the scene layer > properties > select the option “loop”
How to add a scene transition in OBS / Streamlabs
Go to the transition section > select “stinger” > properties > browse and add the transition file provided in the pack > adjust the Transition Point until the scene transitions seamlessly
How to add Twitch Panels
To add Twitch Panels to your stream open your Twitch channel and click “About”
Scroll down and click on “Edit Panels”
The Stream Skins Twitch panels already come in the correct aspect ratio at 320px so just select “Add image” and choose the panel you want inside the “Twitch Panels” folder in your Stream Package
How to add a Twitch Banner
To add a banner to your Twitch profile is quite simple, click on your profile picture and select “Settings”
Go to Profile Banner and click “Update”, the banner will be located in the “Twitch Banner” folder inside your downloaded Stream Pack
How to add a webcam mask
Here’s a video that explains really well how to use the mask to get the round corners:
This was our tutorial on how to configure your Stream Package, also see how to optimize your OBS Studio and Streamlabs Desktop to get the best performance without dropping frames
If you have any questions just send us a message in the support field, Happy streaming 🙂